I perform a 1-man play entitled "Traveling Light" written by Larry (Max) Enscoe. I've been doing this play for around 2 years and have gotten pretty familiar with the "characters" in it. Probably the thing I like best about it is that it puts "faces" on the names in the stories. Which helps us to remember that these were real people that went about their real lives. They probably smelled bad sometimes, and had bad breath. They burped and farted. They said stupid things. In short, they were just like you and me.
Traveling Light has even inspired me to write a new play of my own about the kind of people God uses to do his work. As I began looking over candidates for my own play, I tried to see these people in a new light and what I saw was somewhat of a shock. The phrase "God is no respecter of persons" used in Acts 10:34 is WAY more true than I had realized. I began to see that it was not just the Philips ("in whom is no guile") and Stephens ("full of faith and power") whom God used but all manner of failures, misfits, and worse.
Just off the top of my head the kinds of people that God has used to propagate His great and holy will on this world are murderers, a coward, a forgotten boy, prostitutes, a drunkard, a lying cheater, a bully, a narcissistic womanizer, self-righteous bigot, loud mouthed know-it-all, a miser, lousy parents, and a homeless social outcast. Those are just the ones that come to mind AND that we KNOW about.
God certainly has NO TASTE in friends whatsoever. "God plays no favorites! It makes no difference who you are or where you're from. If you want God and are ready to do as He says, the door is open. The Message He sent to the children of Israel-that through Jesus Christ everything is being put together agan-well, He's doing it everywhere among everyone." Acts 10:34-36. If you notice, it was Simon Peter (the "loud-mouthed know-it-all" mentioned above) that said that.
So, now seeing this you have no excuse. Why have you not used the gift that God has given you? It certainly ISN'T because you're not "good enough" that's for sure. :) Think about it...
Stop you make me cry!